
The main areas of my work

My range of services comprises counselling, coaching and therapy for couples, individuals and families using systemic and solution-oriented approaches. I also provide communication training for couples. more ...


The building blocks of the therapy

In the therapy I will introduce you to different perspectives that can facilitate movement and active communication in relationships with problematic habitual behavioural patterns. On this basis we will develop solutions appropriate to your problems by making use of your own abilities, strengths and previous successes. We will work together to develop Solutions for difficult situations and will rebuild the foundations on which you as a couple or family can move forward. In order to facilitate this, I will provide you with ideas and suggestions for your further development. Weitere Informationen ...



I provide qualified counselling based on extensive professional training and over 15 years of experience as a therapist for couples and families. more ...


Feedback from clients

I had never seen it like that.

You always manage to put me back on track.

The question about the 'miracle' was really helpful. Since then Fve been thinking about it a lot.

more ....



My practice is located in Cologne Neuehrenfeld and is easy to reach by both car and by public transport. more ....


Appointments and fees

We will then arrange the times of the individual appointments. Evening and weekend appointments are also possible. more ...



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Maria Brohl
Chamissostr. 25
50825 Cologne Neuehrenfeld
+49221 / 550 17 00
+49151 / 12 77 49 25