
Appointments and fees

The length and frequency of the sessions depend on what it is that you want to achieve. For an initial assessment and the first moves towards a solution, 2 – 3 sessions can often be sufficient. More time is needed for permanent changes and for working on conflicts that have persisted for a longer time. After the initial meeting I will be happy to give you individualised recommendations. We will then arrange the times of the individual appointments.

Appointments can be arranged at short notice. Evening and weekend appointments are also possible.

For a therapy session for couples I recommend 80 minutes.

Fees: 50 minutes 70 Euros
  80 minutes 120 Euros



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Maria Brohl
Chamissostr. 25
50825 Cologne Neuehrenfeld
+49221 / 550 17 00
+49151 / 12 77 49 25